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Friday, February 15, 2008
Gregory Bodenhamer
Searching For Why
PeopleNology PeopleTopia PeopleTopian® ™ ©
All Rights Reserved Protected Intellectual Copy Rights 2008
PeopleTopians are the Living Emotions inside all human beings.
Your Going To Become A PeopleTopian Today
Common feelings and emotional triggers that control everything you think and do regardless of any other circumstances.
From the primitive peoples to modern mankind PeopleTopians, from the life-giving earth, are the elemental psychological biological internal switches that are the absolute master of your life. You may have problems to solve, people to help, friends, children or business associates that are also searching for why? You need to become a PeopleTopian - before the Strangers take over.
Solve Legal Issues - Financial Problems - Dating and Mating Issues
These emotional triggers are so absolute at times they become visible. You cannot see PeopleTopians but you can see many results of their actions. Your feelings or emotions are the evolutionary triggers that live inside all human beings. Mother nature does not discriminate. You have all the PeopleTopians inside you that your parents carried around, and their parents before them. PeopleTopians control you. PeopleTopians are the primitive attitudes, behaviors, emotions and feeling that are inseparable from any human being. Our own PeopleTopians became part of us over millions of years of evolutionary biology. Around 500,000 years ago science has revealed that they (PeopleTopians) have been implanted or at least started the process of being implanted within our blank mind slate.
Stop Shoplifting - Teen Depression - Violence - Poor Grades
Most people never realize this most important fact. Millions of years of biological evolution has been the GOD of you and every other human before you. It’s not a statement of creation or nature it’s simply just a proven fact. Biology, Geology, Evolution, Chemistry made you and Gregory Bodenhamer within his work of PeopleNology - PeopleTopia - PeopleTopians through Psychology, Philosophy and Sociology has unlocked many of the secrets held inside human beings.
Issues Grief - Running Away - Self Injury - Sexual Abuse - Suicide
Another important fact is that a human being - like the ones walking around today - have not been on earth that long, considering the time earth has been around.
You, your parents, children, supervisor, teachers, pastor, gas station attendant has been molded through the absolute force of CULTURAL DISCIPLINE and EDUCATION.
When Strangers Take Over - Asking Smarter Prettier - Searching for Why
After the last ice age - Homo Sapiens - Me and You - seemed to survive the battle of climate change, finding good food, defeating the cold, killer animals and other events. Millions of years of biological evolution did not disappear because we decided to raise our food on farms, build shelters etc.
We have become CIVILIZED by culture or at least we have attempted to become civilized.
Why Love Anger Frustration - Without Fathers - So Many Secrets
Culture building, a tiny little scratch compared to biological evolution has only been around a bit over 10,000 years. Our biological foundation has been around millions of years, living inside other species of so-called human beings that came before us.
Those BIOLOGICAL, GEOLOGICAL, EVOLUTIONARY, CHEMICAL, ASTRONOMICAL, ECOLOGICAL beginnings are all very much alive and well inside every human being. These developmental forces have been proven, over and over again. Progression of our CIVILIZATION is causing human beings a great deal of stress, nervousness, anxiety. constant worry, fear and at times trauma.
How Support - Relationships - Positive Limits - Difficult Subject
Your Biological self is being held down by culture building. The real you is being conquered by rules, regulations, schedules, work, financial commitments and other real life events.
Culture building, experiences, education and emotional controls do not supersede or reverse the Biological you or the PEOPLETOPIANS that you contain. Mother nature wins the day, moment and second of your every thought, effort or action. Society tries to control you. Mother nature wins. Your supervisor tries to control you. Mother nature wins. Culture tries the same thing, mother nature wins.
Control Raising - Dependent - Smart - Strong - Confident - Girls - Boys
You have been taught - culture learning - civilized - to be kind to other people. If you’re stuck on an island with that other person, without any food except one slice of bread, you’ll kill the other person.
People - civilized - find this shocking. Mother Nature - Evolutionary Earth Laws - Primitive Behaviors - Evolutionary Mind Triggers known as PeopleTopians are unconditional.
Mother nature doesn’t care if you know how to read. Civilization wants you to learn how to read. In fact the ability of communication through language is most likely the biggest reason we’re all still alive. Language is the way that we still know how to start, stop and control fire.
What Guide - Fostering - Action Plans - Teen Tips - Survival - Adolescent
Homo Erectus - The human being type before us, learned how to make fire 500,000 years ago. Making a fire is not found within our genes or D.N.A. makeup. Finding food, water and shelter is within our gene pool. It took language to keep the flame burning. One human told another human and so on.
PeopleTopians are the medicine bundles that the creator or nature has allowed to flow through our mind, body and spirits to correct, change, modify, alter, stop or stop our efforts, activities and results.
PeopleTopians don’t make you drop out of school. They don’t make you get married and have children. PeopleTopians keep you safe. Cause you to fear things. Cause you to feel things. Cause you to make and break habits. PeopleTopians don’t care if you went to Harvard or didn’t finish high school.
Extra Income - Child Custody - Single Parent - Real Work - Child Support -
Encouragement - Teen Driving - Preteens - Empty Nest - Military - Rules - Limits
The wisdom found within PeopleNology PeopleTopia and the PeopleTopian principles took over 29 years to research, define, provide evidence and establish their meanings.
The ACTION and PASSION you have inside has been determined by PeopleTopians as revealed by Gregory Bodenhamer Nollijy University Research Institute and has been taught for many years.
Young people, teenagers, adolescents and even adults need to get their life back in control. Parents want control over their children and it seems to be a constant fight. Remove the fighting and insert some proven knowledge and watch your life change in a matter of days.
Psychotherapy - Almost Grown Up - Raising Real People - Responsible Freedom
Maturity - Guiding - Fostering - Action - Tips - Survival - Chemically Dependent
We have many problems within CIVILIZATION that can be corrected by learning PeopleTopians and applying techniques at home, within school and even at work. Teenagers going through a divorce, suffering from grief, wanting to run away from home can all be dealt with, understood by learning and using PeopleTopian knowledge and techniques.
Self injury, sexual abuse, shoplifting, teen depression and even suicide and violence has support from our evolutionary past. Our little humans - children - have the exact same emotions (peopletopian drivers) that little humans have around the world. They struggle to be drug free, bend with peer pressure, thrash about their own body image, fight back feelings of low self-esteem, stupidity and some even have to suffer the pain of rehab.
The parents - larger humans - they too have their conflicts and disputes like home management. How to pay the bills, legal issues, who gets the kids this week, financial management, dating other human beings, adult education, career and other real life pressures.
Learning about PEOPLETOPIANS will change the free-for-all to favorable outcomes, smiles, understanding, loving and caring. The social sciences of Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology have all been rolled up into PeopleNology with Anthropology, Art, Astrology, Geology, Meteorology, Biology, Oceanography, Chemistry, Science, History, Physics, Ecology and may other disciplines to discover PeopleTopians that can be used to change behaviors, encourage better families and relationships.
People want to restore order at home, with their spouse. You can quickly learn PeopleTopians and use this fantastic knowledge for fostering better children, making action plans to correct poor behaviors, understand all the things running through a teens mind, write your own survival guide so you can break though to family, friends and associates for the first time.
Write us today, just click on the link above.
Getting started is the easy part.
No cost, No obligations, No hidden fees or charges.
Simply one email.
Thank You
Gregory Bodenhamer
PeopleNology PeopleTopia PeopleTopian
Fortune 100 Consultant Searching for Why
Gregory Bodenhamer
Searching For Why
PeopleNology PeopleTopia PeopleTopian® ™ ©
All Rights Reserved Protected Intellectual Copy Rights 2008
PeopleTopians are the Living Emotions inside all human beings.
Your Going To Become A PeopleTopian Today
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Posted Jan-20-08 18:35:35 PST
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No more alarm clock, the boss that's never happy, angry customers, working weekends, not enough money, the cost of insurance going up again and all the other things you are forced to live with as an employee of another human being PeopleNology
Posted Dec-26-07 18:59:25 PST
If you want to make a lot of money, with very little effort, from the comfort of your home or even a commercial office you have found the business for you and your family. This is for people that want their own business, the real deal, no tricks, no in person sales calls, no vending machines, no loans, no cash investments etc.
This is for people that want their own bussiness.
Little Human Earth Laws
Gregory Bodenhamer
Intellectual Property - Copyright - All Rights Reserved 2008
Expert research and 28 years of experience is going to show you the way to wealth... You can read some of the exclusive research right here...and discover your own cash cow...This is not get rich quick, we're not on t.v. and we don't buy radio spots and we don't want your money. We need good people, maybe people just like you, to help us service our customers.
Everything about our company is intellectual property.
Home based business ideas or starting a home based business first takes an idea that works and for a person, people just like you, to appreciate small business success in America today. All you have to do is look around and see who lives in the big home, buys another new automobile and all the other stuff. What we really want you to notice is that people that have their own source of income, without the boss, working from their own home or office and just a lot more happy.
No more alarm clock, the boss that's never happy, angry customers, working weekends, not enough money, the cost of insurance going up again and all the other things you are forced to live with as an employee of another human being.
I don't want you to send money.
All you're going to need is your computer, know how to use email, ability to follow simple instructions and yes, you start by giving away our best selling products. We need great people to give away our products and services all around the world so we can keep getting and keeping more and more customers. Getting wealthy by giving stuff away, only in America.
I don't want you to send money. I'll never ask for a credit card number. I don't want your social secruity number or even your maiden name. If you are serious about your own business, you've found the honest deal. It's very real and we can now imagine that PeopleNology-Little Earth Laws may quickly become one of the biggest deals on earth, yes, we said earth, the whole planet.
You get all the money first.
Let's talk about this for a while.
My name is Gregory Bodenhamer and I'm a business expert within North America. All across the United States I've helped many companies become greater companies. You've heard of the names; Evergreen, Napa, Staple, Ryder, Hershey, Kraft, New World and a host of many others. My expertise is bringing systems, process and people together, making all the components of a business better, stronger, faster, more profitable etc.
Over the many years my experiences, talents and abilities created this recipe for success within small, medium, large and even FORTUNE 500 giant companies with billions of dollars in annualized revenue.
What we've put together works and it works for any company. Imagine helping companies to get bigger, better, faster and more profitable without a lot of expense.
What other people are talking about?
His first business career was helping prosperity within Motor Freight Trucking Transportation. In fact the founder now helps many industries including FORTUNE 100 companies.
He quietly helps big companies seem small again.
Knowing the secrets of PeopleNology, called Little Earth Laws joined together with almost 30 years of research is just what companies needed all along to make more money, recruit better people, retain only the best people, reward them when needed and to recognize the greatness of their employee groups.
PeopleNology is now a lot bigger than the transportation industry.
In today's marketplace the country has a shortage of 500,000 to 750,000 quality commercial truck drivers.
I'm glad to report that this massive shortage of quality drivers is still present within the transportation segment.
Not meaning to sound harsh but a business segment problem brings about massive opportunities and profits for the people and companies with a working solution.
Even though, within the last 12-18 months, freight tonnage has moved down which relaxed the problem just a little.
When this truck driver shortage relaxed, just a bit, the founder of Peoplenology earth laws took his ideas to other market segments.
Wow! PeopleNology works within any industry. The program that was developed for motor freight trucking works for any type company.
After working with several companies, PeopleNology got stronger, made more money, found many new customers and started to form into a very solid business plan.
Even with this very slight improvement,there is a documented driver shortage and its hurting your town and your pocketbook. But there's more.
It seems the old saying of "good people are hard to find" is true all over America.
All across our country people cannot seem to recruit good quality people. If you took the time to interview 100 companies, big and small in your town you'll find the same problem.
Good people are hard to come by, harder to keep, expensive to afford, want better benefits, the corner office, the best company car, more allowances and all kinds of stuff.
PeopleNology hit on something.
We're the first little company that came up with the big idea, it all started within the trucking industry, now we work with just about any company.
Our company, PeopleNology, has specific programs for trucking companies
and others organizations to help them solve their people problem.
PeopleNology Little Human Earth Laws
Human Resource Miracle
Gregory Bodenhamer
Intellectual Property - Copyright - All Rights Reserved 2008
Take the time to learn about this dramatic business opportunity that only a few people know about. People know the name PeopleNology but just a few know about the home based business opportunity. That's what were trying to change. We need good people, all across the world, to help us spread the workings of our company. Many people have called Greg's teachings and working the Human Resource Miracle they were looking for and could never find.
PeopleNology has quickly become something that nobody expected, a nationwide success. You're going to learn a lot about this success if you really want to start your very own home based business, without cash investment, no tricky contracts or small print, no hidden fees or charges. Just a wonderful idea brought to the market by Gregory Bodenhamer, North American business expert. If you want to retire early and maintain a great income. If you want a super second income? If you need something to build your own business? It's all inside PeopleNology.
In a lot of ways the problem is getting worse and the opportunity is getting bigger by the day. Employment rates are very high which means unemployment rates are very low. It's the perfect combination, if we hurry. Our primary business remains within the less than truckload transportation segment. It's our bread and butter money. Gregory Bodenhamer is to the point of being famous within the trucking industry. We're taking his knowledge, experience, business contacts, expert know how and expanding the idea into other business segments. Any warehouse, retailer, distribution center, restaurant, printing shop, advertising firm, manufacturing company etc that has over ten employees can fully benefit from PeopleNology.
Example in Trucking
With the present day shortage of truck drivers trucking companies spend enourmous sums of their own cash to find good drivers, keep them happy, buy them new trucks and all kinds of incentives.
With all the being done, the drivers still leave.
A truck driver today, can secure a sign on bonus from $1,000 to 5,000 just for joining a trucking company.
That's a lot of money that the carrier pays and the drivers still leave.
It's seemingly difficult to keep a truck driver happy and behind the wheel. Until the invention and combination of something in the market entitled PeopleNology. People and Knowledge combined makes up our company name. PeopleNology now has some bragging rights.
Every business has the same problem. Restaurants cannot keep cooks. Garages cannot find or keep mechanics. Printing companies cannot keep printers. This inability to recruit, retain, reward and recognize key result people has created a fantasic business opportunity.
You can look in magazines, internet directories, books on business, and very few people know about the best home based business opportunity in the market today.
Any business including Trucking is a very specific business.
It takes a great deal of experience to understand and profit within the Trucking Segment in America and our company leads the way to profits. This same knowlede is now working within many different types of companies.
This is a business for people that want to make more money without the hassles.
You can operate this business from the comfort of your own home but, you can even make more by drinking coffee at your local truck stop or sending out a few emails everyday to any business within your zip code area..we'll explain....
We are going to teach you how to earn a large income by representing our products on the internet, the mail box, the coffee shop and earn money.
We have folks that drink coffee every weekend in their kitchen and make money hand over fist. They send out emails, make some local phone calls if they want, tell their friends and make money. Our distributors/dealerships/authorized agents get to handle all the money first. We've made everything risk free. We provide everything including trust.
Yes, they make money.
We have products and services that trucking companies buy daily.
We're expanding quickly into other markets.
We have services for truck drivers, cooks, candy makers etc. that helps them find a better job, more income, better health benefits and more while at the same time helping companies finding and keeping great employees. We're not a job service, we're not head hunters, we're instructors, teachers and mentors to business owners, executives and their managers.
We have an amazing business and we need help in every city in America. Your way to improved income is on-line inside our company. You will be able to access research, articles and other teachings. It's your library to learn this business. Some trucking companies are paying thousands of dollars for each truck driver they hire. One of our clients, real numbers, spent over 100,000,000 (one hundred million dollars) last year on employee turnover.
Trucking companies cannot keep Commercial Truck Drivers, warehouses cannot keep dock workers, factories cannot find or retain high quality associates. Business is hurting and PeopleNology is healing. We get paid to help and heal company problems.
Think of the money and the profit to you and your family. Can you make money showing companies how to find drivers? Can you earn income by teaching other people something that will make them money? If you can make enough people happy will they pay you money, month after month, year after year?
All you have to do is say yes. We do about everything else. You have no inventory to buy. You don't need a building or a forklift you just need a computer and a internet connection. We're going to give you, and authorize you, on how to use our intellectual property PeopleNology-Little Human Earth Laws and our other products to capture customers.
Are you a good student that can operate a honest business? Our company is designed by a North American Business Expert - Gregory Bodenhamer. We have developed systems and programs for organizations, including trucking companies and drivers and other employee groups.
Everything is Copyright Protected 2000-2004-2008.
This employee shortage in America is not talked about on the local news. Companies, just like your employer,does not talk about failure, the cost of employee turnover, advertising cost etc because all the news is bad. Companies, big or small do not talk about their inability to keep quality employees.
What do they do? They hire expert consultants like PeopleNology.
The media gets all the money to advertise want ads on the internet, t.v., radio and newspaper. The media loves the employee shortage.
Your idea starter kit is all on-line and you pay no shipping charges.
We teach you how to cash in on this remarkable business opportunity.
You study - learn - earn your way to self employment.
But start paying attention to your radio and listen for the Driver Want Ads.
Take your local Sunday paper and count the Ads for all types of employees including Truck Drivers.
Every Trucking Company is talking about the shortage and spending millions finding drivers.
Before you buy this idea, I want you to call 10 trucking companies in your area and talk directly to their manager, ask them if they need any Commercial Truck Drivers?
You can discover very quickly, with our proven - real life - expert knowledge and planning you can profit for years to come within motor freight trucking and any other industry that you want.
This idea is guaranteed before you buy in, not afterwards.
Do not buy until you call and discover the best home based business in America.
As our honorary agent you can offer our products and services within the motor freight trucking industry or any industry of your choice.
All you do is sign up your home zip code and get ready to go.
You can start selling the white paper in 5 days or less... If a company needs a truck driver, they're a customer. Start counting commercial trucks in your area. Just take one day and take a 30 minute drive around town and count the tractor trailers, the straight trucks, dump trucks and all the others.
We give you all the tools for profit... all on-line...and this offer has no shipping charges for you to pay..learn and earn. Almost 99.2 percent of the time, the company that owns the truck, needs more drivers.
This is very dangerous for our economy. Think of no milk being delivered. Think of no food at your local store and think about how much trucking costs are moving up right now.
You can link up with your own great profits.
Simply sign up your home zip code, look over our EZ agreement and send in your paperwork..
.. no hidden charges.
All the computer work has been done. You can show our web address around or some folks print business cards with our www address and hand them out a truck stops and other local businesses.
You can even advertise our services on other auction web sites for profits. The internet has allowed our idea and business to explode and expand. We are ready to grow and profit and we need your help.
Remember you can test this before you make the time and effort commitment.
Contact a few trucking companies and see if they need drivers?
You'll be amazed.
You can sell our white paper to trucking companies if you want or get them started with a free newsletter.
You pay only a small fraction of the retail price and you get to collect the money first and then you pay us.
Boiling Your Own Frogs
is a great title that you can start giving away
samples right away and when your customer
buys the entire presentation or book...
You pay wholesale and your customer pays full retail.
You can purchase this book for the wholesale price of $2.79 per copy
and you can sell it for $29.95. You just send us $2.79 per copy.
Everything Electronic PDF Transfer - No Shipping Charges - FREE Email World Wide Delivery
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If you want to make a lot of money, with very little effort, from the comfort of your home or even a commercial office you have found the business for you and your family. PeopleNology Gregory Bodenhamer Opportunity Home Business
Posted Dec-26-07 17:31:21 PST
If you want to make a lot of money, with very little effort, from the comfort of your home or even a commercial office you have found the business for you and your family. This is for people that want their own business, the real deal, no tricks, no in person sales calls, no vending machines, no loans, no cash investments etc.
This is for people that want their own bussiness.
Little Human Earth Laws
Gregory Bodenhamer
Intellictual Property - Copyright - All Rights Reserved 2008
Expert research and 28 years of experience is going to show you the way to wealth... You can read some of the exclusive research right here...and discover your own cash cow...This is not get rich quick, we're not on t.v. and we don't buy radio spots and we don't want your money. We need good people, maybe people just like you, to help us service our customers.
Everything about our company is intellectual property.
Home based business ideas or starting a home based business first takes an idea that works and for a person, people just like you, to appreciate small business success in America today. All you have to do is look around and see who lives in the big home, buys another new automobile and all the other stuff. What we really want you to notice is that people that have their own source of income, without the boss, working from their own home or office and just a lot more happy.
No more alarm clock, the boss that's never happy, angry customers, working weekends, not enough money, the cost of insurance going up again and all the other things you are forced to live with as an employee of another human being.
I don't want you to send money.
All you're going to need is your computer, know how to use email, ability to follow simple instructions and yes, you start by giving away our best selling products. We need great people to give away our products and services all around the world so we can keep getting and keeping more and more customers. Getting wealthy by giving stuff away, only in America.
I don't want you to send money. I'll never ask for a credit card number. I don't want your social secruity number or even your maiden name. If you are serious about your own business, you've found the honest deal. It's very real and we can now imagine that PeopleNology-Little Earth Laws may quickly become one of the biggest deals on earth, yes, we said earth, the whole planet.
You get all the money first.
Let's talk about this for a while.
My name is Gregory Bodenhamer and I'm a business expert within North America. All across the United States I've helped many companies become greater companies. You've heard of the names; Evergreen, Napa, Staple, Ryder, Hershey, Kraft, New World and a host of many others. My expertise is bringing systems, process and people together, making all the components of a business better, stronger, faster, more profitable etc.
Over the many years my experiences, talents and abilities created this recipe for success within small, medium, large and even FORTUNE 500 giant companies with billions of dollars in annualized revenue.
What we've put together works and it works for any company. Imagine helping companies to get bigger, better, faster and more profitable without a lot of expense.
What other people are talking about?
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duck under a tree, rat out our best friend, take the first shot, start a war, cross the ocean, spend billions of dollars on new weapons, carry a knife etc. We’ll do anything to protect ourselves from harm or the perception PeopleNology Bodenhamer
Posted Dec-25-07 17:59:30 PST
We’ll hide under the bed, duck under a tree, rat out our best friend, take the first shot, start a war, cross the ocean, spend billions of dollars on new weapons, carry a knife etc. We’ll do anything to protect ourselves from harm or the perception of harm. Bronze swords, Jericho’s walls, spears and shields, no mercy for the week, Hannibal, Julius Caesar, defending Rome.
We will accept the current notion of Voodoo, Salem witchcraft trials, inhale the vapor of rumor and spread the news to belong to another group of people. We’ll spend money, sell our vote, fall victim to outrageous fashion, toss a bomb, listen through thin walls, burn down a church, sell drugs and become a worshipper of something to simply belong. We’re safer in groups.
Early man wrote his secrets on cave walls and scratched them out on rocks so others would approve and agree. The parent must approve of the childs work or play. The father must approve of the sons bride before the marriage. Teachers must approve lessons to develop the grades. We feel better, stronger and faster when others agree with us. We’ll feed victims to the Sun God if others agree with the idea.
We search for gold, overthrow another country, we build iron ships, develop new trade, study the past and move to understand the cauldron of secrets, paint pictures, learn Egyptian mysteries, play games, make rules, invent things and even fly to the moon.
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PeopleNology by Gregory Bodenhamer the NEW SCIENCE thats exploding in HOMES, OFFICES, FACTORIES, WAREHOUSES,DISTRIBUTION CENTERS, Gregory Bodenhamer
Posted Dec-25-07 17:56:18 PST
Through the Study
of many disciplines;
Art, Astronomy, Biology,
Business, Chemistry,
Economics, Feminism, Geology, Law, Linguistics, History, Literary Theory, Managment, Marketing, Mathematics, Medicine, Ecology, Meteorology, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Sociology ,Stylistics and many others.
PeopleNology found the answers buried deep within many questions.
With over 29 years of
research behind us, covering millions of years of
information the answers become clear.
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You’re the Homo Sapiens species and before that the Homo Erectus discovered fire. Taking you back in time and space will allow you to think about things in a different way. PeopleNology
Posted Dec-25-07 17:54:48 PST
You’re the Homo Sapiens species and before that the Homo Erectus discovered fire. Taking you back in time and space will allow you to think about things in a different way.
The actions of Homo Erectus, (before you) the discovery of fire, the ability to cook and make things using heat is the foundation of technology.
This guy lived a long time ago and he learned how to carve and sharpen bones into weapons and other tools..We’ve found fising harpoons that are at least 30,000 years old. As time went by he began making refined bone tools including early fish hooks. Everything was about food, water and staying alive. Fishing took skill and patience.
Finding Homo Erectus Man crouched down on a river bank, scanning the water for fish, making some tool, fumbling through scrubby vegetation for food by the first light of the sun and never really heading home must have been a sight to see.
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Many business people would rather take a bullet or drink poison than to admit that their beating and drowning their business to death PeopleNology Gregory Bodenhamer PeopleTopia
Posted Dec-25-07 17:53:29 PST
PeopleNology is first about Human Beings and all the Knowledge that we’ve mastered.
PeopleNology is like a bean-bag full of golden nuggets that can make you very very rich or burden you down by the shear weight.
Many complex disciplines, theories and principles make up what I call PeopleNology.
In fact all the known sciences and base human knowledge has been researched and applied within PeopleNology.
Everything that I write down I know to be true and its started a business revolution within many organizations.
It seems that the people that operate companies know a lot about balance sheets, new product cycles, cash-flow, profit and loss statements but nothing about their most powerful human being asset.
Many business people would rather take a bullet or drink poison than to admit that their beating and drowning their business to death.
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You’re not going to be pleased with everything you learn because it doesn't agree with everything you’ve already been taught PeopleNology
Posted Dec-25-07 17:51:57 PST
You’re not going to be pleased with everything you learn because it doesn't agree with everything you’ve already been taught. You’re going to be very pleased with the results of PeopleNology as it creates a new knowledge inside you that makes you powerful.
First, I want you to understand that you’re the most perfect species that has ever been created. Your instinctive curiosity makes you wonder what's on the other side of the mountain.
Your instincts keeps you moving over the horizon. Your mind and hands have created triumphs of building and engineering, your everyday life improves. From ancient Egypt to old Virginia we have created some kind of fantastic wig that we’ve placed over our world.
We build machines that fly, make rubber bands, raise crops, cross rivers and still make olive oil in Greece.
Our barbers cut hair and are no longer the surgeons, you are a human being.
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Overcoming every obstacle PeopleNology
Posted Dec-25-07 17:50:49 PST
this knowledge
demonstrates and teaches
Absolutes of all
Human Beings
gives you the
known as
Earth Laws
that keeps us
overcoming every
PeopleTopia shows you
what to do with the
rich knowledge.
Gregory Bodenhamer
Searching For Why
PeopleNology PeopleTopia PeopleTopian® ™ ©
All Rights Reserved Protected Intellectual Copy Rights 2008
PeopleTopians are the Living Emotions inside all human beings.
Your Going To Become A PeopleTopian Today
Common feelings and emotional triggers that control everything you think and do regardless of any other circumstances.
From the primitive peoples to modern mankind PeopleTopians, from the life-giving earth, are the elemental psychological biological internal switches that are the absolute master of your life. You may have problems to solve, people to help, friends, children or business associates that are also searching for why? You need to become a PeopleTopian - before the Strangers take over.
Solve Legal Issues - Financial Problems - Dating and Mating Issues
These emotional triggers are so absolute at times they become visible. You cannot see PeopleTopians but you can see many results of their actions. Your feelings or emotions are the evolutionary triggers that live inside all human beings. Mother nature does not discriminate. You have all the PeopleTopians inside you that your parents carried around, and their parents before them. PeopleTopians control you. PeopleTopians are the primitive attitudes, behaviors, emotions and feeling that are inseparable from any human being. Our own PeopleTopians became part of us over millions of years of evolutionary biology. Around 500,000 years ago science has revealed that they (PeopleTopians) have been implanted or at least started the process of being implanted within our blank mind slate.
Stop Shoplifting - Teen Depression - Violence - Poor Grades
Most people never realize this most important fact. Millions of years of biological evolution has been the GOD of you and every other human before you. It’s not a statement of creation or nature it’s simply just a proven fact. Biology, Geology, Evolution, Chemistry made you and Gregory Bodenhamer within his work of PeopleNology - PeopleTopia - PeopleTopians through Psychology, Philosophy and Sociology has unlocked many of the secrets held inside human beings.
Issues Grief - Running Away - Self Injury - Sexual Abuse - Suicide
Another important fact is that a human being - like the ones walking around today - have not been on earth that long, considering the time earth has been around.
You, your parents, children, supervisor, teachers, pastor, gas station attendant has been molded through the absolute force of CULTURAL DISCIPLINE and EDUCATION.
When Strangers Take Over - Asking Smarter Prettier - Searching for Why
After the last ice age - Homo Sapiens - Me and You - seemed to survive the battle of climate change, finding good food, defeating the cold, killer animals and other events. Millions of years of biological evolution did not disappear because we decided to raise our food on farms, build shelters etc.
We have become CIVILIZED by culture or at least we have attempted to become civilized.
Why Love Anger Frustration - Without Fathers - So Many Secrets
Culture building, a tiny little scratch compared to biological evolution has only been around a bit over 10,000 years. Our biological foundation has been around millions of years, living inside other species of so-called human beings that came before us.
Those BIOLOGICAL, GEOLOGICAL, EVOLUTIONARY, CHEMICAL, ASTRONOMICAL, ECOLOGICAL beginnings are all very much alive and well inside every human being. These developmental forces have been proven, over and over again. Progression of our CIVILIZATION is causing human beings a great deal of stress, nervousness, anxiety. constant worry, fear and at times trauma.
How Support - Relationships - Positive Limits - Difficult Subject
Your Biological self is being held down by culture building. The real you is being conquered by rules, regulations, schedules, work, financial commitments and other real life events.
Culture building, experiences, education and emotional controls do not supersede or reverse the Biological you or the PEOPLETOPIANS that you contain. Mother nature wins the day, moment and second of your every thought, effort or action. Society tries to control you. Mother nature wins. Your supervisor tries to control you. Mother nature wins. Culture tries the same thing, mother nature wins.
Control Raising - Dependent - Smart - Strong - Confident - Girls - Boys
You have been taught - culture learning - civilized - to be kind to other people. If you’re stuck on an island with that other person, without any food except one slice of bread, you’ll kill the other person.
People - civilized - find this shocking. Mother Nature - Evolutionary Earth Laws - Primitive Behaviors - Evolutionary Mind Triggers known as PeopleTopians are unconditional.
Mother nature doesn’t care if you know how to read. Civilization wants you to learn how to read. In fact the ability of communication through language is most likely the biggest reason we’re all still alive. Language is the way that we still know how to start, stop and control fire.
What Guide - Fostering - Action Plans - Teen Tips - Survival - Adolescent
Homo Erectus - The human being type before us, learned how to make fire 500,000 years ago. Making a fire is not found within our genes or D.N.A. makeup. Finding food, water and shelter is within our gene pool. It took language to keep the flame burning. One human told another human and so on.
PeopleTopians are the medicine bundles that the creator or nature has allowed to flow through our mind, body and spirits to correct, change, modify, alter, stop or stop our efforts, activities and results.
PeopleTopians don’t make you drop out of school. They don’t make you get married and have children. PeopleTopians keep you safe. Cause you to fear things. Cause you to feel things. Cause you to make and break habits. PeopleTopians don’t care if you went to Harvard or didn’t finish high school.
Extra Income - Child Custody - Single Parent - Real Work - Child Support -
Encouragement - Teen Driving - Preteens - Empty Nest - Military - Rules - Limits
The wisdom found within PeopleNology PeopleTopia and the PeopleTopian principles took over 29 years to research, define, provide evidence and establish their meanings.
The ACTION and PASSION you have inside has been determined by PeopleTopians as revealed by Gregory Bodenhamer Nollijy University Research Institute and has been taught for many years.
Young people, teenagers, adolescents and even adults need to get their life back in control. Parents want control over their children and it seems to be a constant fight. Remove the fighting and insert some proven knowledge and watch your life change in a matter of days.
Psychotherapy - Almost Grown Up - Raising Real People - Responsible Freedom
Maturity - Guiding - Fostering - Action - Tips - Survival - Chemically Dependent
We have many problems within CIVILIZATION that can be corrected by learning PeopleTopians and applying techniques at home, within school and even at work. Teenagers going through a divorce, suffering from grief, wanting to run away from home can all be dealt with, understood by learning and using PeopleTopian knowledge and techniques.
Self injury, sexual abuse, shoplifting, teen depression and even suicide and violence has support from our evolutionary past. Our little humans - children - have the exact same emotions (peopletopian drivers) that little humans have around the world. They struggle to be drug free, bend with peer pressure, thrash about their own body image, fight back feelings of low self-esteem, stupidity and some even have to suffer the pain of rehab.
The parents - larger humans - they too have their conflicts and disputes like home management. How to pay the bills, legal issues, who gets the kids this week, financial management, dating other human beings, adult education, career and other real life pressures.
Learning about PEOPLETOPIANS will change the free-for-all to favorable outcomes, smiles, understanding, loving and caring. The social sciences of Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology have all been rolled up into PeopleNology with Anthropology, Art, Astrology, Geology, Meteorology, Biology, Oceanography, Chemistry, Science, History, Physics, Ecology and may other disciplines to discover PeopleTopians that can be used to change behaviors, encourage better families and relationships.
People want to restore order at home, with their spouse. You can quickly learn PeopleTopians and use this fantastic knowledge for fostering better children, making action plans to correct poor behaviors, understand all the things running through a teens mind, write your own survival guide so you can break though to family, friends and associates for the first time.
Write us today, just click on the link above.
Getting started is the easy part.
No cost, No obligations, No hidden fees or charges.
Simply one email.
Thank You
Gregory Bodenhamer
PeopleNology PeopleTopia PeopleTopian
Fortune 100 Consultant Searching for Why
Gregory Bodenhamer
Searching For Why
PeopleNology PeopleTopia PeopleTopian® ™ ©
All Rights Reserved Protected Intellectual Copy Rights 2008
PeopleTopians are the Living Emotions inside all human beings.
Your Going To Become A PeopleTopian Today
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Posted Jan-20-08 18:35:35 PST
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No more alarm clock, the boss that's never happy, angry customers, working weekends, not enough money, the cost of insurance going up again and all the other things you are forced to live with as an employee of another human being PeopleNology
Posted Dec-26-07 18:59:25 PST
If you want to make a lot of money, with very little effort, from the comfort of your home or even a commercial office you have found the business for you and your family. This is for people that want their own business, the real deal, no tricks, no in person sales calls, no vending machines, no loans, no cash investments etc.
This is for people that want their own bussiness.
Little Human Earth Laws
Gregory Bodenhamer
Intellectual Property - Copyright - All Rights Reserved 2008
Expert research and 28 years of experience is going to show you the way to wealth... You can read some of the exclusive research right here...and discover your own cash cow...This is not get rich quick, we're not on t.v. and we don't buy radio spots and we don't want your money. We need good people, maybe people just like you, to help us service our customers.
Everything about our company is intellectual property.
Home based business ideas or starting a home based business first takes an idea that works and for a person, people just like you, to appreciate small business success in America today. All you have to do is look around and see who lives in the big home, buys another new automobile and all the other stuff. What we really want you to notice is that people that have their own source of income, without the boss, working from their own home or office and just a lot more happy.
No more alarm clock, the boss that's never happy, angry customers, working weekends, not enough money, the cost of insurance going up again and all the other things you are forced to live with as an employee of another human being.
I don't want you to send money.
All you're going to need is your computer, know how to use email, ability to follow simple instructions and yes, you start by giving away our best selling products. We need great people to give away our products and services all around the world so we can keep getting and keeping more and more customers. Getting wealthy by giving stuff away, only in America.
I don't want you to send money. I'll never ask for a credit card number. I don't want your social secruity number or even your maiden name. If you are serious about your own business, you've found the honest deal. It's very real and we can now imagine that PeopleNology-Little Earth Laws may quickly become one of the biggest deals on earth, yes, we said earth, the whole planet.
You get all the money first.
Let's talk about this for a while.
My name is Gregory Bodenhamer and I'm a business expert within North America. All across the United States I've helped many companies become greater companies. You've heard of the names; Evergreen, Napa, Staple, Ryder, Hershey, Kraft, New World and a host of many others. My expertise is bringing systems, process and people together, making all the components of a business better, stronger, faster, more profitable etc.
Over the many years my experiences, talents and abilities created this recipe for success within small, medium, large and even FORTUNE 500 giant companies with billions of dollars in annualized revenue.
What we've put together works and it works for any company. Imagine helping companies to get bigger, better, faster and more profitable without a lot of expense.
What other people are talking about?
His first business career was helping prosperity within Motor Freight Trucking Transportation. In fact the founder now helps many industries including FORTUNE 100 companies.
He quietly helps big companies seem small again.
Knowing the secrets of PeopleNology, called Little Earth Laws joined together with almost 30 years of research is just what companies needed all along to make more money, recruit better people, retain only the best people, reward them when needed and to recognize the greatness of their employee groups.
PeopleNology is now a lot bigger than the transportation industry.
In today's marketplace the country has a shortage of 500,000 to 750,000 quality commercial truck drivers.
I'm glad to report that this massive shortage of quality drivers is still present within the transportation segment.
Not meaning to sound harsh but a business segment problem brings about massive opportunities and profits for the people and companies with a working solution.
Even though, within the last 12-18 months, freight tonnage has moved down which relaxed the problem just a little.
When this truck driver shortage relaxed, just a bit, the founder of Peoplenology earth laws took his ideas to other market segments.
Wow! PeopleNology works within any industry. The program that was developed for motor freight trucking works for any type company.
After working with several companies, PeopleNology got stronger, made more money, found many new customers and started to form into a very solid business plan.
Even with this very slight improvement,there is a documented driver shortage and its hurting your town and your pocketbook. But there's more.
It seems the old saying of "good people are hard to find" is true all over America.
All across our country people cannot seem to recruit good quality people. If you took the time to interview 100 companies, big and small in your town you'll find the same problem.
Good people are hard to come by, harder to keep, expensive to afford, want better benefits, the corner office, the best company car, more allowances and all kinds of stuff.
PeopleNology hit on something.
We're the first little company that came up with the big idea, it all started within the trucking industry, now we work with just about any company.
Our company, PeopleNology, has specific programs for trucking companies
and others organizations to help them solve their people problem.
PeopleNology Little Human Earth Laws
Human Resource Miracle
Gregory Bodenhamer
Intellectual Property - Copyright - All Rights Reserved 2008
Take the time to learn about this dramatic business opportunity that only a few people know about. People know the name PeopleNology but just a few know about the home based business opportunity. That's what were trying to change. We need good people, all across the world, to help us spread the workings of our company. Many people have called Greg's teachings and working the Human Resource Miracle they were looking for and could never find.
PeopleNology has quickly become something that nobody expected, a nationwide success. You're going to learn a lot about this success if you really want to start your very own home based business, without cash investment, no tricky contracts or small print, no hidden fees or charges. Just a wonderful idea brought to the market by Gregory Bodenhamer, North American business expert. If you want to retire early and maintain a great income. If you want a super second income? If you need something to build your own business? It's all inside PeopleNology.
In a lot of ways the problem is getting worse and the opportunity is getting bigger by the day. Employment rates are very high which means unemployment rates are very low. It's the perfect combination, if we hurry. Our primary business remains within the less than truckload transportation segment. It's our bread and butter money. Gregory Bodenhamer is to the point of being famous within the trucking industry. We're taking his knowledge, experience, business contacts, expert know how and expanding the idea into other business segments. Any warehouse, retailer, distribution center, restaurant, printing shop, advertising firm, manufacturing company etc that has over ten employees can fully benefit from PeopleNology.
Example in Trucking
With the present day shortage of truck drivers trucking companies spend enourmous sums of their own cash to find good drivers, keep them happy, buy them new trucks and all kinds of incentives.
With all the being done, the drivers still leave.
A truck driver today, can secure a sign on bonus from $1,000 to 5,000 just for joining a trucking company.
That's a lot of money that the carrier pays and the drivers still leave.
It's seemingly difficult to keep a truck driver happy and behind the wheel. Until the invention and combination of something in the market entitled PeopleNology. People and Knowledge combined makes up our company name. PeopleNology now has some bragging rights.
Every business has the same problem. Restaurants cannot keep cooks. Garages cannot find or keep mechanics. Printing companies cannot keep printers. This inability to recruit, retain, reward and recognize key result people has created a fantasic business opportunity.
You can look in magazines, internet directories, books on business, and very few people know about the best home based business opportunity in the market today.
Any business including Trucking is a very specific business.
It takes a great deal of experience to understand and profit within the Trucking Segment in America and our company leads the way to profits. This same knowlede is now working within many different types of companies.
This is a business for people that want to make more money without the hassles.
You can operate this business from the comfort of your own home but, you can even make more by drinking coffee at your local truck stop or sending out a few emails everyday to any business within your zip code area..we'll explain....
We are going to teach you how to earn a large income by representing our products on the internet, the mail box, the coffee shop and earn money.
We have folks that drink coffee every weekend in their kitchen and make money hand over fist. They send out emails, make some local phone calls if they want, tell their friends and make money. Our distributors/dealerships/authorized agents get to handle all the money first. We've made everything risk free. We provide everything including trust.
Yes, they make money.
We have products and services that trucking companies buy daily.
We're expanding quickly into other markets.
We have services for truck drivers, cooks, candy makers etc. that helps them find a better job, more income, better health benefits and more while at the same time helping companies finding and keeping great employees. We're not a job service, we're not head hunters, we're instructors, teachers and mentors to business owners, executives and their managers.
We have an amazing business and we need help in every city in America. Your way to improved income is on-line inside our company. You will be able to access research, articles and other teachings. It's your library to learn this business. Some trucking companies are paying thousands of dollars for each truck driver they hire. One of our clients, real numbers, spent over 100,000,000 (one hundred million dollars) last year on employee turnover.
Trucking companies cannot keep Commercial Truck Drivers, warehouses cannot keep dock workers, factories cannot find or retain high quality associates. Business is hurting and PeopleNology is healing. We get paid to help and heal company problems.
Think of the money and the profit to you and your family. Can you make money showing companies how to find drivers? Can you earn income by teaching other people something that will make them money? If you can make enough people happy will they pay you money, month after month, year after year?
All you have to do is say yes. We do about everything else. You have no inventory to buy. You don't need a building or a forklift you just need a computer and a internet connection. We're going to give you, and authorize you, on how to use our intellectual property PeopleNology-Little Human Earth Laws and our other products to capture customers.
Are you a good student that can operate a honest business? Our company is designed by a North American Business Expert - Gregory Bodenhamer. We have developed systems and programs for organizations, including trucking companies and drivers and other employee groups.
Everything is Copyright Protected 2000-2004-2008.
This employee shortage in America is not talked about on the local news. Companies, just like your employer,does not talk about failure, the cost of employee turnover, advertising cost etc because all the news is bad. Companies, big or small do not talk about their inability to keep quality employees.
What do they do? They hire expert consultants like PeopleNology.
The media gets all the money to advertise want ads on the internet, t.v., radio and newspaper. The media loves the employee shortage.
Your idea starter kit is all on-line and you pay no shipping charges.
We teach you how to cash in on this remarkable business opportunity.
You study - learn - earn your way to self employment.
But start paying attention to your radio and listen for the Driver Want Ads.
Take your local Sunday paper and count the Ads for all types of employees including Truck Drivers.
Every Trucking Company is talking about the shortage and spending millions finding drivers.
Before you buy this idea, I want you to call 10 trucking companies in your area and talk directly to their manager, ask them if they need any Commercial Truck Drivers?
You can discover very quickly, with our proven - real life - expert knowledge and planning you can profit for years to come within motor freight trucking and any other industry that you want.
This idea is guaranteed before you buy in, not afterwards.
Do not buy until you call and discover the best home based business in America.
As our honorary agent you can offer our products and services within the motor freight trucking industry or any industry of your choice.
All you do is sign up your home zip code and get ready to go.
You can start selling the white paper in 5 days or less... If a company needs a truck driver, they're a customer. Start counting commercial trucks in your area. Just take one day and take a 30 minute drive around town and count the tractor trailers, the straight trucks, dump trucks and all the others.
We give you all the tools for profit... all on-line...and this offer has no shipping charges for you to pay..learn and earn. Almost 99.2 percent of the time, the company that owns the truck, needs more drivers.
This is very dangerous for our economy. Think of no milk being delivered. Think of no food at your local store and think about how much trucking costs are moving up right now.
You can link up with your own great profits.
Simply sign up your home zip code, look over our EZ agreement and send in your paperwork..
.. no hidden charges.
All the computer work has been done. You can show our web address around or some folks print business cards with our www address and hand them out a truck stops and other local businesses.
You can even advertise our services on other auction web sites for profits. The internet has allowed our idea and business to explode and expand. We are ready to grow and profit and we need your help.
Remember you can test this before you make the time and effort commitment.
Contact a few trucking companies and see if they need drivers?
You'll be amazed.
You can sell our white paper to trucking companies if you want or get them started with a free newsletter.
You pay only a small fraction of the retail price and you get to collect the money first and then you pay us.
Boiling Your Own Frogs
is a great title that you can start giving away
samples right away and when your customer
buys the entire presentation or book...
You pay wholesale and your customer pays full retail.
You can purchase this book for the wholesale price of $2.79 per copy
and you can sell it for $29.95. You just send us $2.79 per copy.
Everything Electronic PDF Transfer - No Shipping Charges - FREE Email World Wide Delivery
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If you want to make a lot of money, with very little effort, from the comfort of your home or even a commercial office you have found the business for you and your family. PeopleNology Gregory Bodenhamer Opportunity Home Business
Posted Dec-26-07 17:31:21 PST
If you want to make a lot of money, with very little effort, from the comfort of your home or even a commercial office you have found the business for you and your family. This is for people that want their own business, the real deal, no tricks, no in person sales calls, no vending machines, no loans, no cash investments etc.
This is for people that want their own bussiness.
Little Human Earth Laws
Gregory Bodenhamer
Intellictual Property - Copyright - All Rights Reserved 2008
Expert research and 28 years of experience is going to show you the way to wealth... You can read some of the exclusive research right here...and discover your own cash cow...This is not get rich quick, we're not on t.v. and we don't buy radio spots and we don't want your money. We need good people, maybe people just like you, to help us service our customers.
Everything about our company is intellectual property.
Home based business ideas or starting a home based business first takes an idea that works and for a person, people just like you, to appreciate small business success in America today. All you have to do is look around and see who lives in the big home, buys another new automobile and all the other stuff. What we really want you to notice is that people that have their own source of income, without the boss, working from their own home or office and just a lot more happy.
No more alarm clock, the boss that's never happy, angry customers, working weekends, not enough money, the cost of insurance going up again and all the other things you are forced to live with as an employee of another human being.
I don't want you to send money.
All you're going to need is your computer, know how to use email, ability to follow simple instructions and yes, you start by giving away our best selling products. We need great people to give away our products and services all around the world so we can keep getting and keeping more and more customers. Getting wealthy by giving stuff away, only in America.
I don't want you to send money. I'll never ask for a credit card number. I don't want your social secruity number or even your maiden name. If you are serious about your own business, you've found the honest deal. It's very real and we can now imagine that PeopleNology-Little Earth Laws may quickly become one of the biggest deals on earth, yes, we said earth, the whole planet.
You get all the money first.
Let's talk about this for a while.
My name is Gregory Bodenhamer and I'm a business expert within North America. All across the United States I've helped many companies become greater companies. You've heard of the names; Evergreen, Napa, Staple, Ryder, Hershey, Kraft, New World and a host of many others. My expertise is bringing systems, process and people together, making all the components of a business better, stronger, faster, more profitable etc.
Over the many years my experiences, talents and abilities created this recipe for success within small, medium, large and even FORTUNE 500 giant companies with billions of dollars in annualized revenue.
What we've put together works and it works for any company. Imagine helping companies to get bigger, better, faster and more profitable without a lot of expense.
What other people are talking about?
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duck under a tree, rat out our best friend, take the first shot, start a war, cross the ocean, spend billions of dollars on new weapons, carry a knife etc. We’ll do anything to protect ourselves from harm or the perception PeopleNology Bodenhamer
Posted Dec-25-07 17:59:30 PST
We’ll hide under the bed, duck under a tree, rat out our best friend, take the first shot, start a war, cross the ocean, spend billions of dollars on new weapons, carry a knife etc. We’ll do anything to protect ourselves from harm or the perception of harm. Bronze swords, Jericho’s walls, spears and shields, no mercy for the week, Hannibal, Julius Caesar, defending Rome.
We will accept the current notion of Voodoo, Salem witchcraft trials, inhale the vapor of rumor and spread the news to belong to another group of people. We’ll spend money, sell our vote, fall victim to outrageous fashion, toss a bomb, listen through thin walls, burn down a church, sell drugs and become a worshipper of something to simply belong. We’re safer in groups.
Early man wrote his secrets on cave walls and scratched them out on rocks so others would approve and agree. The parent must approve of the childs work or play. The father must approve of the sons bride before the marriage. Teachers must approve lessons to develop the grades. We feel better, stronger and faster when others agree with us. We’ll feed victims to the Sun God if others agree with the idea.
We search for gold, overthrow another country, we build iron ships, develop new trade, study the past and move to understand the cauldron of secrets, paint pictures, learn Egyptian mysteries, play games, make rules, invent things and even fly to the moon.
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PeopleNology by Gregory Bodenhamer the NEW SCIENCE thats exploding in HOMES, OFFICES, FACTORIES, WAREHOUSES,DISTRIBUTION CENTERS, Gregory Bodenhamer
Posted Dec-25-07 17:56:18 PST
Through the Study
of many disciplines;
Art, Astronomy, Biology,
Business, Chemistry,
Economics, Feminism, Geology, Law, Linguistics, History, Literary Theory, Managment, Marketing, Mathematics, Medicine, Ecology, Meteorology, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Sociology ,Stylistics and many others.
PeopleNology found the answers buried deep within many questions.
With over 29 years of
research behind us, covering millions of years of
information the answers become clear.
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You’re the Homo Sapiens species and before that the Homo Erectus discovered fire. Taking you back in time and space will allow you to think about things in a different way. PeopleNology
Posted Dec-25-07 17:54:48 PST
You’re the Homo Sapiens species and before that the Homo Erectus discovered fire. Taking you back in time and space will allow you to think about things in a different way.
The actions of Homo Erectus, (before you) the discovery of fire, the ability to cook and make things using heat is the foundation of technology.
This guy lived a long time ago and he learned how to carve and sharpen bones into weapons and other tools..We’ve found fising harpoons that are at least 30,000 years old. As time went by he began making refined bone tools including early fish hooks. Everything was about food, water and staying alive. Fishing took skill and patience.
Finding Homo Erectus Man crouched down on a river bank, scanning the water for fish, making some tool, fumbling through scrubby vegetation for food by the first light of the sun and never really heading home must have been a sight to see.
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Many business people would rather take a bullet or drink poison than to admit that their beating and drowning their business to death PeopleNology Gregory Bodenhamer PeopleTopia
Posted Dec-25-07 17:53:29 PST
PeopleNology is first about Human Beings and all the Knowledge that we’ve mastered.
PeopleNology is like a bean-bag full of golden nuggets that can make you very very rich or burden you down by the shear weight.
Many complex disciplines, theories and principles make up what I call PeopleNology.
In fact all the known sciences and base human knowledge has been researched and applied within PeopleNology.
Everything that I write down I know to be true and its started a business revolution within many organizations.
It seems that the people that operate companies know a lot about balance sheets, new product cycles, cash-flow, profit and loss statements but nothing about their most powerful human being asset.
Many business people would rather take a bullet or drink poison than to admit that their beating and drowning their business to death.
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You’re not going to be pleased with everything you learn because it doesn't agree with everything you’ve already been taught PeopleNology
Posted Dec-25-07 17:51:57 PST
You’re not going to be pleased with everything you learn because it doesn't agree with everything you’ve already been taught. You’re going to be very pleased with the results of PeopleNology as it creates a new knowledge inside you that makes you powerful.
First, I want you to understand that you’re the most perfect species that has ever been created. Your instinctive curiosity makes you wonder what's on the other side of the mountain.
Your instincts keeps you moving over the horizon. Your mind and hands have created triumphs of building and engineering, your everyday life improves. From ancient Egypt to old Virginia we have created some kind of fantastic wig that we’ve placed over our world.
We build machines that fly, make rubber bands, raise crops, cross rivers and still make olive oil in Greece.
Our barbers cut hair and are no longer the surgeons, you are a human being.
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Overcoming every obstacle PeopleNology
Posted Dec-25-07 17:50:49 PST
this knowledge
demonstrates and teaches
Absolutes of all
Human Beings
gives you the
known as
Earth Laws
that keeps us
overcoming every
PeopleTopia shows you
what to do with the
rich knowledge.
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